Summer 2024 Updates

Couple little updates for those who still check my blog!

Principles of Problem Solving

I’m about to drop a climbing technique & tactics course! No one knows about it yet. But you, loyal blog reader, shall be rewarded for your commitment to text-based information.

My course is called Principles of Problem Solving and it will be delivered as several webinars. The first few people to sign up will also get to participate in an interactive video review. If you want first dibs on the course when it drops, email or DM me to get first access.

I know there are lots of technique courses out there (my hero Dave MacLeod just made one, notably) but I think I have a unique way of looking at problem solving in rock climbing. The course is a combination of abstract theory and practical recommendations, and relevant to a wide range of ability levels.

Nugget Fundamentals Season 2 is here!

Only Episode 1 is out so far, with the second one coming out in a couple days. The 6 topics are:

  • How to climb on a board
  • How to climb on a spray wall
  • How to start weightlifting
  • How to start finger training
  • How to recover from an injury
  • How to break through a plateau

I’m super excited about this set of podcasts. I think these will be a great evergreen resource for climbers of all ability levels. Steven and I poured a lot of effort into our preparation for these. Keep an eye on the Nugget podcast feed for the episodes. We’ll also be doing some Q&As on the topics at hand, so stay tuned for those. DM/email me if you have any questions you’d like us to cover!


One reason I’m posting fewer blogs these days is that I’ve dropped the B and added a V. I doubt I’ll ever be focused on content for YouTube, but this has been a fun way to change things up and the people sure love video.

I still have lots of text stuff in the pipeline, and a few of my blog posts continue to drive clients my way – I’m just exploring other ways of connecting to people.

Here are the last few:

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