Training consults

A training consult is time you can spend with a climbing training professional, discussing issues in your climbing. I offer this service to my one-on-one clients, but it’s now available as a separate service with no ongoing commitment.

Some examples of things we could discuss:

  • If you write your own training plan, we can review and discuss it
  • We can go over your goals and the big picture of your climbing, to figure out what to work on in what order
  • We can take a deeper dive into suggestions for improvement
  • If you provide videos ahead of time, we can do video review for your projects

The contents of the consult are up to you. I recommend providing as much information up front as you can, to maximize what you get out of it.

How it works

The first consult includes a self-assessment. Additional consults can be booked at your convenience. After you purchase, I’ll follow up within 24 hours.