Wrist Conditioning 4 – Radial & ulnar deviation

Perform these exercises as a circuit, alternating the starting hand each round. Do 3 sets unless otherwise specified by your plan, resting ~1 min between exercises. You should get pumped, but never go above RPE6-7.

  1. Grip isometric – 30-50 pound dumbbell or kettlebell

Hold over a box or bench, with your arm hanging at your side. The box is just so you don’t have to lift the weight from the ground. You can do these as carries for a long isometric if preferred.

  1. Ulnar deviation isometric – this is pinky towards elbow

Shoulder neutral. Use an adjustable dumbbell or heavy object with weight on one side, and hold it so the weight is “behind” you. Just resist the rotation; your wrist should remain neutral.

  1. Radial deviation isometric – this is thumb towards bicep

Shoulder neutral. Adjustable dumbbell or heavy object. Weight is “in front” of you. Again, resist the rotation and keep the wrist neutral.

Here are two different setups for these exercises. Choose what works for you.