Wrist Conditioning 3 – Flexion/extension isometrics

Perform these exercises as a circuit, alternating the starting hand each round. Do 3 sets unless otherwise specified by your plan, resting ~1 min between exercises. You should get pumped, but never go above RPE6-7.

The weights are estimates. Start low and progress load through your cycle, or ask if you aren’t sure.

  1. Grip isometric – 30-50 pound dumbbell or kettlebell

Hold over a box or bench, with your arm hanging at your side. The box is just so you don’t have to lift the weight from the ground.

  1. Extension isometric – 8-25lb dumbbell

Hold with your arm braced on an object or your knee, palm facing down, wrist neutral.

  1. Flexion isometric – 8-25lb dumbbell

Hold with your arm braced on an object or your knee, palm facing up, wrist neutral.