Two-arm Snapbacks

Problem selection:

Select board or spray wall climbs that are easy for you with down-pulling holds and uncomplicated sequences. Problems should be 6-8 moves.

Use your judgment on which moves make sense for the drill, and use all footholds if needed to make the difficulty correct.

Rough estimate: for a climber who can do a 7C/V9 problem, perform on ~6C/V5 problems. For a 7A/V6 climber, perform this drill on 6A/V3-6B/V4 problems, with any feet.

Climbing cadence:

Rest as much as needed in between attempts until you reach the intended number of repetitions. This is a strength and technique exercise. You should not feel pumped or out of breath.


After you do each move, prepare your feet for the next move. Let your body sink into your legs and establish a relaxed, “reset” position. Now snap back up towards the target hold, generating momentum with the hips and upper body. Catch the target hold at the deadpoint of the arc. Your feet should always stay on.


Perform at the beginning of your session, after warming up fully and after any finger strength work.