Problem selection:
For this drill, you will make up your own problems on a spray wall or training board of 20-40 degrees. 7-10 hand holds.
This is an all feet drill. Choose bad holds, and small hand movements. Your plan may further specify holds/techniques/positions to practice during this session.
Move deliberately and slowly. No cutting loose, jumping or thrutchy movements. Rest between reps until recovered, at least 3 minutes.
It’s normal to be pumped at the end of the rep but you should not feel pumped or out of breath when starting the next rep.
You should not fail. We are looking for time under tension here, not power. Your plan may specify a different time under tension (TUT) for this drill. If not, default to about 5-7 seconds per hand move, and a total of 30-40 seconds per rep.
This is a general session and can be combined with any session. Perform after warming up and before any conditioning.