Low Gear Circuits – RPE7

Problem selection:

For this drill, you will make up your own circuit on a spray wall or training board of at least 40 degrees. Circuits may consist of joining together existing problems, or be entirely new. 

This is an all feet drill. You will need to choose holds that are slightly better than those used for normal LGC due to the endurance factor. Your plan may further specify techniques/positions to practice during this session.


Move deliberately and economically, but not necessarily slowly. No cutting loose, jumping or thrutchy movements. This is a strength endurance exercise and you may feel pumped, or out of breath. However, you should not be red lining. Effort should hover around RPE7.

Rest 3 minutes between reps, and 5 minutes between sets, unless otherwise specified.


Time under tension and moving well are the goal, but you may fail. Aim for 4-5 seconds per hand move (slightly faster than normal LGC.) 


This is an endurance session and can be combined with any session. Perform after warming up, after climbing, and before any conditioning.