Load determination:
Select a bell that you can easily do several get-ups in a row with. These are long exercises, and should be challenging to muscular endurance – but make sure that you are minimizing the risk of losing control of the bell while it’s overhead!
Perform after all climbing or on a separate day.
Complete a get up from the ground, pausing to press in the following positions. Scroll for video & photos.
- Floor press, before “punching” up
- From the elbow
- After extending the elbow
- With one leg extended, before the knee sweeps in
- After the knee sweeps in, with the free hand just fingertips on the ground
- In the half kneeling position (note that kettlebell is contralateral)
- Standing
You do not need to reverse the get up.
Complete instructions:
Start normally, curled around the bell, and use the opposite hand to assist the bell into the overhead position. Do one press in each of the following positions:
- Floor – floor press, before “punching” up
- Elbow – from the elbow
- Seated – after extending the elbow
- Leg extended – with one leg extended, before the knee sweeps in
- Fingertips – after the knee sweeps in, free hand just fingertips on the ground
- Half-kneeling – in the half kneeling position.
Note this is opposite of the normal half-kneeling press, as you are pressing with the opposite hand from the knee on the ground (contralateral) where usual half-kneel is same side (ipsilateral) - Standing
Rack the bell if needed, then swing it down. Use the other hand if needed. You do not need to reverse the get-up. Just lay down and repeat with the other side!