Hip Flexibility Mixed SP/DA 3


Focus on breathing, moving gently, and paying attention to your body. Do not force any positions or push into discomfort. Muscle tension is neurological. Flexibility is a skill, and more about control than forcing it.


3 rounds of the below:

90/90 – hold 30 seconds / 5 deep breaths each way
Lying 90/90 (internal hip rotation stretch) 30 seconds / 5 breaths each way
Frog – hold 30 seconds / 5 deep breaths
5-step horse squat 5 squats, hold bottom 5 seconds; on the last rep, hold 15-25 seconds


The mixed flexibility sessions are more like strength training than stretching. I recommend doing these at the end of training days rather than on rest days. Be aware that combining similar movements (like doing a hip flexibility mixed session after deadlifting) may be extra fatiguing. You can also work these movements into a hangboard session.

90/90: press both knees into ground slightly during stretch

Lying 90/90 option 1

Option 2 (slightly harder)

Frog – squeeze the ground with your knees/hips slightly.

Horse stance squat – 5 steps (feet together, then pivot out: toe heel toe heel toe)
Load this to 60-80% of your tolerance or as indicated by your plan.
Hold position @ bottom: