This exercise is performed with a barbell. Set up a squat rack so that the bar rests on the J-hooks just above your knees. You shouldn’t need to reach or lift the bar to set up for the exercise.
Load determination:
Start with the bar if you are unfamiliar with the exercise. Most climbers will be able to perform these sets with their bodyweight after some practice. Your plan may specify a load. Once you can perform all sets and reps with a weight, add 5-10lbs / 2-5kg (unless deloading) and work back up to performing the full range of reps.
Have a strong stance – feet shoulder width, knees slightly bent, back straight, chest up. Grasp the bar firmly with palms up. If needed, take one small step backwards.
Relax your grip, allowing your hands to open downwards. The bar will roll down your fingers. Allow the bar to come to a stop near your fingertips. Leave a 20-30% margin of error – do not drop the barbell! Close your hand to roll the bar back up. This is one rep.
Do not combine with max finger work. Do not perform before climbing hard.
Either perform at the end of a sub-maximal climbing session, or on a separate day from hard training.