30sec Repeating Anaerobic Power

This is an off-the-wall anaerobic power workout that can be done very quickly – and is fairly easy to recover from, as long as the athlete sticks to “curling” form and doesn’t pull with the body. This session should be done either after a short session (like a bouldering session) or after a strength training session.

The session consists of several long-duration overcoming isometrics on an edge or block, done in the standing position on a platform. The edge should be set up at a comfortable height with a sling or chain so that the arm and shoulder are not primary movers for the exercise. The finger flexors should do the work.

If you have a Tindeq, set it up in peak force mode so you can measure the force loss of each rep. Record this force loss, as it can be used as a measurement of your anaerobic capacity.

Make sure you are fully warmed up before performing this session. Several 5x 3:5 finger curls of increasing intensity is a good choice to warm up.

Each rep is a 30 second overcoming isometric followed by a 1 minute rest. (During the rest, reset your Tindeq if using one.)

These reps are quite uncomfortable, but the entire session should take less than 20 minutes.

Your plan should specify the number of reps, 4-6 is good for most athletes.