Problem selection:
Select a variety of problems that are easy for you, on vertical or just off-vertical terrain. This drill requires smearing on the wall, so overhanging walls may be extremely difficult.
Climb problems normally, but several times throughout the climb, smear your feet 2-3 times on the wall to place your foot on the next foothold.
In order to succeed, you will need to find the right spot on the wall to smear. The angle of force needs to be into the wall, not downward. Usually the right spot will be at the bottom point of a triangle, with your handholds forming the top two points. Smear too low, and you will slide off. Smear too high, and you will have to pull really hard on the handholds.
You will need to straighten your arms some, to let your hips come away from the wall and get the angle of force inward. Once you’re used to the drill, try to really practice relaxing your arms during the smear movements.
This is riskier up high, so you may want to bias towards traversing problems, or try to do the smearing drill lower on the problem and then finish normally
Example 1:
Example 2:
This is a general session and can be combined with any session. Perform after warming up and before any conditioning.