Digging Feet

Problem selection:

Select a spray wall or a wall with lots of hands and feet. Start with good hands and feet and focus on engaging your feet. Don’t limit the footholds.

As you progress this drill, you can climb problems in the gym or on your spray wall. Keep using big, juggy feet from all problems as the footholds. 


On each move, dig your foot into the foothold as if you were attempting to pry it off the wall with your toes. You should feel tension through the ankle, back of your lower leg, glutes and hips. Move your hand normally, then tension the next foothold and repeat.

You may need to relax your arms to get maximum tension on the feet.

Try to use feet at a distance such that each move puts you to 75% of your reach. As you get comfortable with the drill, increase this range so that the moves become closer to deadpoints. 


This is a general session and can be combined with any session. Perform after warming up and before any conditioning.