Problem selection:
Select 3-5 problems that you would generally avoid. They shouldn’t be terribly difficult for you to execute, around RPE6, but in a style you don’t like or don’t practice much. Thus, “eating your spinach.” (But remember, you do need to be able to send them.) It could even be a boulder you did sloppily during your warmup, but never went back to.
Spend about 20-30 minutes working the individual problems until you feel ready to send. You could do this all up front, or spend 6-10 minutes on each problem as you go through the session.
Climb each problem 3 times, resting between reps until recovered, at least 2-3 minutes. This is not an endurance exercise, so you should not feel pumped, out of breath, or tired. Rest 5 minutes between problems.
Try to improve your performance on each subsequent rep. Economy of movement, precision, and comfort level are indicators that a rep is good. If everything else feels good, try to climb a tiny bit faster.
It’s OK to give a few more tries than you would in a normal redpoint strength workout. You should be succeeding 60-70% of the time.
This is a general session and can be combined with any session. Perform after warming up and before any conditioning.