Technique Explorations II

These sessions are not intended to be done all at once. Just work on them a little bit throughout your training block, and report anything you learn to me. I will use your feedback to select technical sessions for you to explore further. Ideally, please film some of your explorations, and send me videos to review.


  1. Explore moving both hands at once, on lower-angle terrain
  2. Explore moving both legs at once, on a variety of terrain.
  3. Explore moving the same side arm & leg at once.
  4. Explore moving the opposite side arm & leg at once.
  5. Make up and repeat easy climbs which require one of these techniques at a time.
  • Do you have any “strong” techniques – ways in which your body prefers to move?
  • Do you have any “weak” techniques – ways in which your body doesn’t like to move?
  • Are there certain terrains, hold types, or styles of climbing on which you feel the most coordinated?

Center of gravity (COG)

  1. Establish a stable position on the wall where you can move your body around.
    • Explore moving your center of gravity up and down.
    • Explore moving your center of gravity side to side.
    • Explore moving your center of gravity in and out from the wall.
  2. Close your eyes and repeat #1.
  3. Repeat easy climbs, on different terrain, paying attention to COG.
  • Can you distinguish up-down, side-side, and in-out?
  • How does the terrain affect your ability to control your COG?


  1. Climb easy problems, paying attention to when you change your gaze.
  2. Climb easy problems, deliberately looking away from the hold/foothold before your hand/foot makes contact.
  • How does your gaze affect your control & accuracy?
  • How does your gaze affect your timing?
  • How does your gaze affect your balance?
  • What does this tell you about how to direct your attention while climbing?