Couch Stretch Session


Focus on breathing, moving gently, and paying attention to your body. Do not force any positions or push into discomfort. Muscle tension is neurological. Flexibility is a skill, and more about control than forcing it.


3 rounds of the below. Do one side all the way through, then repeat on the other side.

Couch stretch – 30 seconds / 5 deep breaths

Couch stretch, forward – 30 seconds / 5 deep breaths

Couch stretch, backward – 30 seconds / 5 deep breaths


This is a general session and can be done any time.

Couch stretch

Couch stretch, forward
Step the front foot forward a little bit to make space, then lean forward over the front knee. You should feel a deep stretch in your hip flexor and quad.

Couch stretch, backward
Reverse the position so the front leg is straightened. Again, you may need to adjust that front foot’s positioning. You should feel a stretch in the hamstring. Fold forward over the leg if you can, but only by hinging at the hips (keep your back reasonably straight.)