
Climbing progression, for everyone

Climb with me!

Hi! I’m Jesse, a climber, developer, training geek, and climbing philosopher.

Assessment and consult
You fill out a holistic assessment of your climbing. I’ll help you with the big picture, and make recommendations for how to work towards your next big thing.

One-off coaching
Work with me for your climbing progression! I offer 8 and 12-week plans through Camp 4 Human Performance.

Latest from the Blog

Doing the Dishes

For 13 years, my dog Ty has been perennially ahead of me, uncatchable. He’s always pushed me to move faster. For me, the toughest thing about having an aging dog has been moving faster than him for the first time. Cardio isn’t top of mind for most climbers, but maybe at least part of theContinue reading “Doing the Dishes”

Summer 2024 Updates

Couple little updates for those who still check my blog! Principles of Problem Solving I’m about to drop a climbing technique & tactics course! No one knows about it yet. But you, loyal blog reader, shall be rewarded for your commitment to text-based information. My course is called Principles of Problem Solving and it willContinue reading “Summer 2024 Updates”

Living in the panopticon: self-talk and climbing’s social media nightmare

Panopticon: a vantage from which you can see everything; all-seeing. From Ancient Greek pân, “all” + optikós, “visible”. Words have power. In our self-talk before we even begin climbing, in the things we say to each other on the hike in, in the things overheard at the crag, and in the vast quantity of mediaContinue reading “Living in the panopticon: self-talk and climbing’s social media nightmare”